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This is Really Why Your Eyebrows Are Thinning…


Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Summary: Thinning eyebrows? In this blog, discover how you can prevent your eyebrows from thinning and achieve that popular thicker brow look...

We have the likes of Cara Delevingne, Solange Knowles and Lily Collins to thank for fashion’s recent obsession with thick, luscious and bushy brows. And for good reason: our eyebrows are important! We express so many emotions with them and communicate to the world around us with them. They’re a key feature on our face and deserve to look their best.

Unfortunately, the experts are now telling us it’s not just wrinkles and grey hair we have to look forward to as we age, but thinning hair too… Yes, including your brows! According to expert dermatologists, our hair follicles (where the root of each hair strand grows) age with the rest of our body and this can lead to our hair looking sparse and thin. And, if that’s not enough, there’s a host of other factors that can cause our brows to dissipate over our lifetime too.

For example, being deficient in iron or zinc can take its toll on your brows (although this is rare in the western world). If your body suddenly experiences a dip in protein levels (or you experience a quick, drastic weight loss), your hair follicles won’t function properly and the hair will wilt. If this sounds familiar, make sure to up your intake of meat, fish, pulses, beans and legumes and if you’re recently vegetarian/vegan, reassess your diet to make sure you’re getting all the necessary nutrition.

Another reason can be the sudden hormonal changes that take place at menopause and after birth (post-partum) potentially having a negative affect on our eyebrow’s hair health. So, abrupt hormonal changes like this may cause sudden hair loss too... Great!

And, how are you caring for your brows? Over tweezing or waxing can traumatise the hair follicle and as a result, the follicle will cease to function completely. Therefore, the eyebrow hair will become permanently thin or not grow at all.

So, how do we make sure we’re nourishing and nurturing our eyebrow hair properly so we can maintain that highly sought after thick and bushy aesthetic?

Below, you’ll find the top two pieces of Cel advice when it comes to pampering our eyebrows and making sure we prevent that dreaded hair loss and preserve our desired volume.

Consider Microblading

The semipermanent way to thicken the look of your brows is called microblading. Not as severe or final as tattooing, and it looks 100% more realistic. It’s done by hand, and the pigment chosen is in line with your skin tone. The goal is to place delicate strokes that imitate the organic movement of hair, so the finish ends up looking more natural, and more like a normal, but impressive brow. Microblading takes a couple of hours and after your first appointment you’ll need to pop back on average once a year, as the dye fades naturally over time but you’ll potentially find your normal grooming regime will lessen. Though this isn’t promised, you can guarantee a strong and healthy looking brow shape after your first blading session.

Know That Natural Is Best For Brows

If you’re already dedicated to your brows, your appointments for waxing and threading are probably a full on diary commitment. If you want to preserve the health of your brows though, you might have to break up with your beauty therapist. The risk of permanent hair follicle damage from tweezing, threading and waxing is very high.

If you can’t kick the habit, make sure you’re going as long as possible between appointments. If you DIY, make sure you’re not removing hair that’s growing directly over the brow bone. Make it a no go zone and stick to the hair above and below this area in order to avoid patchy growth in later years.

Thinning Eyebrows: Our Final Thoughts...

Healthy eyebrows are achievable if you treat them with consistent care. However, if you’re experiencing severe eyebrow hair loss this can also be a sign of a thyroid deficiency or a symptom of eczema and/or atopic dermatitis. If you’re reading this blog because you’re worried about any of these, make sure to check in with your doctor or dermatologist.



Sarah Milton


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