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How To Plop Your Hair


Estimated Read Time:  4 minutes

Summary: In this blog we detail and explore what hair plopping is. We’ll discuss what the hair plopping method is, what it does and how to do it! Read on to discover more about hair plopping and how to plop hair…


Natural curls are back, people! And, heat damage from styling tools could be a thing of the past for those with curls thanks to this increasingly popular hair drying technique… The hair plopping method!

It may take a little practise, but if you own a mane of coils, hair plopping can help enhance your unique and beautiful curl pattern whilst not inflicting damage from heat. 

What Is Plopping Hair?

The hair plopping method (some people refer to is as a “hair hoodie” too!) involves a cotton or microfibre towel, t-shirt, pillowcase or anything similar. You then contain wet curls using the fabric and pile it on top of the head which strategically defines your curls and diminishes frizz!

Don’t worry - this isn’t like twisting your curls in a regular towel! Any curl owner knows that this just stretches your curls out and the harsh fibre of a regular towel can cause frizz by ruffling the hair’s cuticle. Hair plopping is all about keep the curls compact without disrupting the root too much, which helps maintain wanted volume. It also fights against the weight of water which can weigh down and over stretch curls too.

And, it significantly speeds up drying time too! So, we bet you’re wondering “how do I plop my hair?” now, right? Let’s get to it…

How To Plop Your Hair

Hair Plopping Technique

You will need a cotton t-shirt, pillowcase or a microfibre towel, a leave-in conditioner and your favourite styling products in order to plop… 

  1. First, wash your hair as normal
  2. Second, scrunch out the excess water with your hands and then liberally apply a leave-in conditioner and any other styling products you swear by (hair oils/serums) and scrunch the hair with your hands again
  3. Then, lay out your towel, pillowcase or t-shirt out on your counter, chair or bed. If you’re using a t-shirt, lay the neck holes and arms closest to you. 
  4. Next, flip your head forwards, bending at the waist, so the hair comes down before your face. Plop your hair ends, then your entire head onto the fabric. 
  5. Then, tie the sleeves of the shirt or the extra fabric of your pillowcase or microfibre towel behind your head in a knot. If you have excess material, wrap an extra knot at the front of your head to secure. Now, your curls should be nice and compressed which allows them to dry without gravity, humidity or excess friction disturbing them.

Consider yourself plopped!

How Long Should You Plop Your Hair?

Some say you should leave your hair plopped for a minimum of an hour, then you may choose to finish off the hair with your drier or diffuser. Others choose to plop for shorter periods of time (around 15-20 minutes) and some swear that their curls do best when left plopped overnight! Ultimately, it’s up to you to find the sweet spot for your curls so it’s time to attempt a period of trial and error with your hair plopping. 

Can You Plop Wavy Or Straight Hair?

In theory, yes, but it may not induce the tight-curled look you may be after but can enhance natural looking waves. Regardless though, if you struggle with frizz and have straight, fine hair, there’s no harm in giving this popular hair plopping technique a go as the method can work for this issue too!

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Straight To Curly Hair - Curly To Straight – Why Is Your Hair Changing?


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Sarah Milton

A passionate content writer, with a specific interest in the science behind hair care. Having created content for several years, I’ve grown my knowledge exponentially in the science behind hair growth, quality and texture, and what ingredients our tresses need to thrive. When not in the office, I’m walking my dog along the beach or invested in a brilliant television drama.


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