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Humidity Hair: How To Keep Under Control


Estimated Read Time:  4 minutes 

Summary: In this blog we detail and explore how to humidity proof hair. We’ll discuss why humidity affects hair and how to keep hair straight and under control in humidity too. Read on to discover more about humidity and hair and how to keep the inevitable frizz at bay…


Humidity & Hair

When the air gets humid, some of us unfortunately experience a hair tantrum of sorts! But, why?

Human hair is very sensitive to humidity. Straight hair can go wavy and curly hair can go frizzy or even curlier! This happens because when there is a lot of moisture in the air (meaning it’s humid), this causes hydrogen bonds to form between the water molecules and proteins (keratin) in the hair strands. These bonds are temporary and much weaker than the usual bonds and keratin bundles present in hair and thus causes the hair to fold back on itself. In turn, this evokes more curls, waves and/or frizz. 

And, you know, we may be cool with this when sunning ourselves on holiday at the beach or by the pool, but it can be mightily inconvenient if you need your hair to behave. So, is there a hack for controlling humidity sensitive hair? 

How To Keep Hair From Frizzing In Humidity

Prepping your hair properly for humidity is key, so check in with your weather app, particularly on hair wash day!

Wash with cooler water

Turning down the heat of your shower water not only has multiple health and skin benefits, but it can help hair that’s affected humidity. Cooler water will help your hair scales stay tighter and thus maximise manageability. 

Dry with a microfibre towel

You need to get all the moisture out of your hair, and regular, rough towel drying won’t cut it. Squeeze the hair instead to drain it of excess water with a microfibre towel over a normal hand/hair towel.

Or invest in an ionic hair dryer

Towel drying not your thing or low on time? If you have the budget and your hair is super prone to reacting to humidity, you may want to look at buying an ionic hair dryer. Ionic hair dryers produce millions of negatively charged ions, unlike regular driers which just blow harsh heat out and puff the hair. These ions break down positively charged water molecules without opening up the hair shafts, helping leave hair feeling and looking smoother and sleeker.

Remember, if you’re using any tool to dry your hair, always use a heat protecting product to prevent damage occurring to the hair shaft.

Seal strands with serum

Keeping those ends hydrated and moisturised will mean your hair will be less inclined to hold onto the moisture in the air. Hair oils and silicone-free serums can really help here. Before you dry the hair off with a towel or drier, whilst it’s still soaking, run through some serum or oil (like coconut or argan) through the ends with your fingers. There’s even specific anti-frizz silicone-free serums on the market you can purchase!

Not only will this help tame frizz, these oils and serums typically smell great too so will naturally kiss the hair with great smelling fragrance!

Apply anti-frizz products

Invest in humidity targeted hair gels, moisturising, sulphate-free shampoos, leave-in hydrating conditioners, anti-frizz hair oils, silicone-free serums, and anti-humidity hair sprays. Your hair can’t protect itself from that excess moisture in the air so arm, prep and protect it properly.

Style right

When it’s humid, consider styling your mane into braids, top buns and sleek ponytails. These are not only great, stylish looks but can help mask your hair’s reaction to the humidity. Try to use silk scrunchies as these are kinder on the hair to help prevent breakage and damage. 

Cel Pro Tip: You can also consider sleeping on a silk pillowcase too! This helps keep hair smooth and sleek whilst you slumber as less friction occurs between hair strands and silk when compared to what it typically experiences on cotton. 

Related Reads

Cold Water Shower: What Are The Benefits?

The Best Hair Products For Frizzy Hair


Smithsonian Magazine

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Sarah Milton

A passionate content writer, with a specific interest in the science behind hair care. Having created content for several years, I’ve grown my knowledge exponentially in the science behind hair growth, quality and texture, and what ingredients our tresses need to thrive. When not in the office, I’m walking my dog along the beach or invested in a brilliant television drama.


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