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Your Ultimate Guide To Blow Drying Your Hair


Estimated Read Time:  5 minutes

Summary: In this blog we detail and explore how to blow dry your own hair. We’ll discuss the different methods and needs of blowdrying hair dependent on the hair type. Read on to discover more about how to properly blow dry hair…


How To Blow Dry Hair

A blow dry, a blow out - whatever you call it, we all know they cost $$$ at the hairdressers! Thankfully there are some fail safe methods, tips and tricks you can try at home to get that just-blown salon look all by yourself!

How To Blow Dry Curly Hair Yourself

The biggest risk of blow-drying your curly hair yourself is disturbing the curl pattern. It can take some trial and error, but for those curly folks out there, there’s definitely a routine that will work for you! Try the following to start you off. You will need:

  • A styling cream/milk
  • A gel cream
  • A strong hold styling gel (optional)
  • A microfibre hair towel
  • A diffuser


  1. Rake your chosen styling cream/milk through your hair with your fingers. Then, flip the hair upside down and scrunch the hair with your microfibre towel to rid it of the excess moisture. Next, scrunch through your gel cream. 
  2. Keeping the hair upside down, turn on your hair dryer with the diffuser attachment. Gently cup sections of the curls into the diffusing bowl, keeping them there for about 15 seconds, then move on to the next section.
  3. As the hair dries, gently flip it side to side. Try not to separate the curls or touch them; this will disturb the curl pattern. Apply your favourite styling gel now if your hair needs a bit of help with it’s lift and definition. 
  4. Once you’re nearly fully dry, remove your diffuser attachment and blast the hair roots raw, but on a low speed setting to assist the roots with that extra lift and volume. 

How To Blow Dry Waves

A proper blow dry can really help accentuate the natural waves in your hair. So, how should you blow dry wavy hair? You will need:

  • A microfibre towel
  • Heat protection spray
  • A hair dryer brush
  • Your favourite hair oil


  1. Firstly, get hold of a microfibre towel (these are notoriously kinder to your hair strands than regular towels!). Squeeze and scrunch your newly washed hair with the microfibre towel to help reduce the likelihood of frizz occurring. Let your hair air dry - you don’t want to start blow drying it until it’s only got a little longer to go! Now, spray over some heat protection spray. 
  2. Then, separate your hair into 3 inch sections. Working from the roots down; brush, wrap and gradually glide the brush through. 
  3. Next, release the hair from the brush and coil this newly warmed section around your finger and wait for it to cool. Then, release.
  4. Once you’ve done your whole mane, smooth and twist a small amount of your favourite hair oil through the hair strands to smooth any breakthrough frizz and tousle out those wanted, professional looking waves. 

How To Blow Dry Straight Hair

If you’ve got straight hair, you’re usually able to trust it with an air dry alone. However, a good blow out can help the hair look alive and bouncy with voluptuous volume! To help give your straight locks that desirable body, you will need:

  • Heat protection spray
  • A round hair brush


  1. Spray your heat protection spray all over your locks, but avoid the roots if your hair is fine. Allow the hair to air dry off a bit before starting to section off your locks. Use hair clips to hold the upper layers of hair up, and work from the bottom to the top.
  2. Turn on your hair dryer. Grab your round brush and roll the brush to the ends your hair, holding the brush vertically and move the hair away from your face. Then, roll the brush back on itself, applying the heat from the dryer. Repeat this on the same section until it’s dry. Twist the hair with the brush as you release it.
  3. For volume and lift at your head’s crown, hold the brush horizontally, and lift the section of hair straight up, blow-drying the hair backwards. 
  4. When you finish, simply run your fingers though your hair! Et voila!

How To Blow Dry Your Hair Like A Pro

If you want to be a total pro at blow drying your hair at home, there are some things you simply shouldn’t skip if you really want to be a pro…

Hair protection spray; this will prevent the hair from getting damaged from the high heat levels emitted from a dryer. 

Using a high quality hair dryer; invest in yourself! Your hair (and you!) deserve the best everyday.

Avoid brushing soaking wet hair; this is when your hair is at its most vulnerable and can easily be broken by aggressive brushing. Opt for a wide-tooth comb if you need to detangle. 

Use the right brush for your hair type; when the time is right to brush, make sure you’re using the one that makes sense for, and serves, your hair type best. Read our Ultimate Hair Brush Guide here to help you learn which brush style works for your locks best. 

Keep the hair dryer at least 3 inches away from your hair strands; this will help fight off frizz and damage!

If you blow dry your hair often, treat your hair with a nourishing hair mask once a week; keep that moisture locked in to your hair and treat it to some restorative down time away from the heat.




It’s A 10 Haircare



Sarah Milton

A passionate content writer, with a specific interest in the science behind hair care. Having created content for several years, I’ve grown my knowledge exponentially in the science behind hair growth, quality and texture, and what ingredients our tresses need to thrive. When not in the office, I’m walking my dog along the beach or invested in a brilliant television drama.


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